Rss feed for podcast is eventually going to show up. T-shirts are one the way... Eventually. Looking into that now. CLICK ON THE LINKS MAKE ME SOME MONEY!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Three new bands, new request page

I have added three new bands in the past day.

One is 23. They have no webpage but have some pretty wicked techno/industrial music. I have also added The side who has a website but I can't find it. I also added Lokata and new music from The Jolly Garagers, the only pirate band I know of.
As you may have noticed the requests have not been working. I have moved the request page here. They work now so you can now here what you want to hear when you want to hear it.

Last but not least.... well crap i forgot... oh yeah, i am working on a new Podcast. It will be up soon and linked to here when I get the pod cast up. Blame San Andreas....

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I need help. Basically I need someone to help me track down new bands and get CD's from them. Please let me know if your interested you can e-mail me at



ZoomInfo Cached Page Old interview I did while working for Z-Axis.Stomped.Com

ZoomInfo Cached Page: "Interview with Neil Manke Creator of Spooky Half-life Mods like They Hunger

[tempus] How did your relationship with PC Gamer get started?
[Neil Manke] Bill Harms [former PC Gamer Disc Editor] contacted me and asked if I would do an add-on for PC Gamer. He said that he really liked my Quake 1 levels and he wanted me to consider making a custom Quake II level starring Coconut Monkey. Plus, he wanted to destroy CM's island paradise in the magazine, so I first did the �Paradise Lost� CM add-on which tied in well with that.
�Paradise Lost� was very popular so I ended up doing 2 more, �Dry Gulch� and �Saving Private Monkey�. For those who don�t know, Coconut Monkey is the PC Gamer mascot, and being a coconut he has no hands and a very funny voice �so it was always a hoot building and playing those maps. I still laugh when I think about them:]
[tempus] Have you ever been approached by other gaming magazines to do similar projects?
[Neil Manke] No, I have never been approached by anyone else.
[tempus] From what I can tell you have had great success with your mods. Do you consider yourself a professional or just one heck of a lucky, talented computer geek?
[Neil Manke] I am not a professional since that would imply I have a gaming job and salary, nor do I consider myself a lucky, talented geek. I do consider myself persistent, hard-working, creative and I believe I have good judgment when it comes to what a lot of gamers enjoy.
[tempus] What do you think is taking TF2 so long to c"

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